[FREE] - Destiny 2 Pro Pack (Destiny 2)

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[FREE] - Destiny 2 Pro Pack (Destiny 2)

Post by RobinHood »

Name: [FREE] - Destiny 2 Pro Pack
Category: Destiny 2
Author: RobinHood

// GPC Leaked Library
// Destiny 2 - PRO 1.2.gpc

Game: Destiny 2
Version: PRO 1.2
Device: CronusZEN ONLY
Controller tested: DS4 - Elite 2
Console tested: PS4 (XBOX and PC compatible)

																							Thanks to CronusMAX community and staff
																					  Thanks to DoGzTheFiGhTeR for the awesome screen saver
																					       Thanks to Bronxsinz for the weapons values

Arrays with pre-stored values 
	- 8 arrays (for each Weapon Category: Auto Rifles, Fusion Rifles, Handcannons, Heavy...)
	- many weapons per category (I can add more weapons)
In the arrays for full auto weapons, only the AntiRecoil values are stored
In the arrays for semi auto weapons, the AntiRecoil and Rate of Fire values are stored

You have 3 different profiles with this script.
	- Profiles 1 and 2 are for primary and secondary, you can choose any weapon category exept HandGun
	- Profile 3 is for Heavy only (this profile disables: AntiRecoil, Rapid/Burst Fire, AIM Assist and StrafeShot)

Switch profile as you switch weapon IN Game (Destiny 2).

If your weapon IN game and your weapon on the OLED screen are unsync, hold L3/LS and tap TRIANGLE/Y

Each of the 3 profiles also has a temporary value which is adjustable.
This Temp Val will be added to or subtracted from the pre-stored value to allow you to make fine adjustments to your Antirecoil or Rate Of Fire
As Temp Val is profile-dependent, if you change the weapon on a profile, remember to reset the Temp Val
	- You can reset these temporary values from the ModWeapon by holding down CROSS/A 500ms
You can write down your adjusted values on a piece of paper.
You will then be able to modify the value in the corresponding arrays.
This way, while In Game, when you change category or weapon, antirecoil will already be perfectly adjusted for you.

Each profile has (private features)
	- its own AntiRecoil Type with its own toggle and its own values (private toggles and private values)
	- its own RapidFire with its own toggle and its own rate of fire (private toggles and private values)
	- its own BurstFire with its own toggle and a value that applies to all profiles (private toggles and global value)
	- its own AIM Assist with its own toggle and values that apply to all profiles (private toggle and global value)
	- its own StrafeShot with its own toggle and a value that applies to all profiles (private toggle and global value)

This applies to all profiles (global features with global toggles and values))
	- DynaSens (Dynamic Sensitivity) with global toggle and values 
	- Reload (then switch weapon) with global toggle and value 
	- AutoRun with global toggle
	- Swap Trigger/Bumper with global toggle
	- Inverted Y (for vertical AntiRecoil) with global toggle


	P R I V A T E   F E A T U R E S   W I T H   P R I V A T E   V A L U E S
			Antirecoil (you can choose between 3 types of antirecoil) - (in game, rumble MUST BE ON, you can disable rumble with "Rumble" mod on OLED)
				- Progressive (advanced users)
					* Vertical AntiRecoil that gradually increases or decreases from Start value to End value, the duration of the progression is defined by Time value (progressive, 3 values)
					* Horizontal AntiRecoil (standard, 1 value)
				- Standard (easy to adjust)
					* Vertical AntiRecoil (standard, 1 value)
					* Horizontal AntiRecoil (standard, 1 value)
				- On Rumble(for noob)
					* Vertical AntiRecoil called Rumble power (standard, 1 value)
					* Horizontal AntiRecoil (standard, 1 value)
				If you have set up your script with a semi-automatic weapon on one of the profiles, when you are on that profile, RapidFire will be enabled by default, 
				you will unlock the Speed Toggle of this mod (and lock BurstFire Speed Toggle),
				and you will also have access to the RapidFire menu in the ModMenu to have the possibility to disable the mod or adjust Rate Of Fire (BurstFire menu is hidden)
	P R I V A T E   F E A T U R E S   W I T H   G L O B A L   V A L U E S

				If you have set up your script with a full-automatic weapon on one of the profiles, when you are on that profile,
				you will unlock the Speed Toggle of this mod (and lock RapidFire Speed Toggle),
				and you will also have access to the BurstFire menu in the ModMenu to have the possibility to disable the mod or adjust Hold and Release time (RapidFire menu is hidden)
			AIM Assist (Polar Assist with TaylorDrift Shapes) You can quickly change the Shape by holding the ADS button and double tapping RIGHT
				There is 2 values
					- Radius is the size of the micro-movements
						the bigger the size, the more you will have a Screen Shake effect
						Decrease the value until the shaking is almost over

					- Steps is the frequency of micro movements
						- With Batts Sticky:
							the lower the value, the more likely you will experience a slowdown in the character's movements 
						- With others shapes:
							the higher the value, the more likely you will experience a slowdown in the character's movements 
						Decrease the value until your movements are normal
			Strafe Mod 
				- Strafe Shot:
					Strafe Right and Left while fireing
				- Cut Strafe (do not work with AutoADS)
					Push the left stick forward (or backward for back strafe), hold R2 and move the left stick from left to right (front left / front right for cut strafe, or back left / back right for back strafe)
				- Cut Strafe with camera movement (do not work with AutoADS)
					Push the left stick forward (or backward for back strafe), hold R2 and move the left stick from left to right (front left / front right for cut strafe, or back left / back right for back strafe)

	G L O B A L   F E A T U R E S   W I T H   G L O B A L   V A L U E S
				Customize the sensitivity of your right stick
				while aiming and also while aiming to deploy a skill
				- more instructions below
				Double tap reload button to stop and change weapon in the middle of the reload animation
				With the right Time value, the empty weapon you just holstered will be reloaded

	G L O B A L   F E A T U R E S   
				- push the left stick 90% forward or to the sides to run  - hold to sprint must be enabled in the game settings
			Swap Trigger/bumper - (don't set alternate/inverted/flipped or I don't know what in game settings or in console settings)
				- swap L1/LB with L2/LT and swap R1/RB with R2/RT 
			Auto ADS
				- holds ADS button for you when you hold Fire button
			Rumbles - (in game, rumble must be ON)
				- disable controller rumbles 
			PS5 Controller
				- if you play with a PS5 controller, activate this mode : 
				it disables the Antirecoil Smart Stop feature which stops Antirecoil when the controller doesn't receive any vibration (when you reload your weapon while holding Fire button)

	A D D I T I O N N A L   F E A T U R E S
				In the inventory, if some mods start to run (because you move stick, press/hold a button ...), this can mark objects as trash
				On the map, this will have a nefaste effect on navigation and GPS
				That's why the script is frequently deactivated
				Get into the habit of spamming CIRCLE/B to get out of the menus or the map, this turn the script ON
				- more instrictions below

			Hair Trigger
				- makes your triggers ultra sensitive, perfect for reactivity
			Resync Button 
				Sometimes your weapon in game is unsync with the weapon displayed on ZEN, profiles are mixed
				- Hold L3/LS and tap TRIANGLE/Y to resync
			Speed Toggle
				- toggle on the fly one of the 4 most popular mod (without having to go into ModMenu)
				- more instructions below
			Speed Weapon Swap
				- switch on the fly your weapon category and weapon name (without having to go into ModWeapon)
				- more instructions below
			AntiRecoil Smart Stop
				- This feature stops the AntiRecoil mode when your character stops shooting and reloads his weapon (when the controller vibrations stop, your sight stops going down if your finger still hold Fire button) 
					Does not work with PS5 controllers
					If you play with a PS5 controller, you must turn ON the PS5 Controller mode in the OLED menu 

How to use the ModMenu:

	Open ModMenu (L2/LT + OPTIONS/MENU to open or exit)
		Choose which profile you want to modify (Primary, Secondary or Heavy) 
			- Tap TRIANGLE/Y 
		Navigate between the different MODS with LEFT or RIGHT (D pad)
			- tap UP or DOWN to turn ON or OFF
			- For Antirecoil, tap UP or DOWN to switch between AntiRecoil Type: OFF, Progressive Antirecoil, Standard Antirecoil, Rumble Antirecoil
			- For Polar AIM Assist, UP or DOWN to switch between every Shapes
		Activate the mods you want on each profile...
	If the mod displayed has one or more editable value(s): 
		- Tap CROSS/A to close ModMenu and go to ModEdit
	Tap SQUARE/X to close ModMenu and go to ModWeapon
〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	

How to use the ModEdit: (while in ModMenu, tap CROSS/A to close ModMenu and go to ModEdit - if the mod displayed has one or more editable value(s))

		Navigate between the different value name with LEFT or RIGHT
		Change/edit the value:
			- Hold CROSS/A and 
				- tap UP or RIGHT to increase value 
				- tap DOWN or LEFT to decrease value
		To exit ModEdit and go back to ModMenu, tap CIRCLE/B
		Hold L2/LT and tap PS/XBOX to close every Menu
〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	

How to use the ModWeapon: (while in ModMenu, tap SQUARE/X to close ModMenu and go to ModWeapon)
		Choose which profile you want to modify (Primary, Secondary or Heavy) 
			- Tap TRIANGLE/Y 
		To switch between Weapon Category 
			- Tap UP or DOWN
		To switch between Weapon Name 
			- Tap LEFT or RIGHT
		Hold CROSS/A 500ms to restore to default Antirecoil temporary values and Rate of Fire temporary values of the active profile
		Tap CIRCLE/B to close ModWeapon and go to ModMenu
		Hold L2/LT and tap PS/XBOX to close every Menu
〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	
	Save every values and exit(only available if you are in ModMenu or ModEdit or ModWeapon)		
		- Tap PS/XBOX to save EVERY values, toggles, weapon category and weapon name, independently for EACH profiles 

〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	
	Speed toggles for the active profile (outside Mod Menu/Edit/Weapon)
		- Hold aiming button and hold 300ms UP, DOWN, RIGHT or LEFT
			- UP for	RapidFire (if available with your current weapon category)
			- DOWN for	BurstFire (if available with your current weapon category)
			- RIGHT for	Polar Assist
			- LEFT for	Strafe Mod
		- Hold aiming button and
			- DOUBLE TAP RIGHT to switch between Polar Assist Shapes or Strafe type

〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	

	Speed weapon swap for the active profile (outside Mod Menu/Edit/Weapon)
		- Hold R3/RS and tap UP, DOWN, RIGHT or LEFT
			- UP and DOWN change your current weapon category
			- RIGHT and LEFT change your current weapon name

〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	
	Switch profiles
		- In Game:
			- Tap TRIANGLE/Y to switch profile 1 and 2 (primary and secondary)
			- Hold TRIANGLE to switch to profile 3 (Heavy - every "assist" disabled)
		- In Mod Menu/Edit/Weapon
			- Tap TRIANGLE/Y to loop profile 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 ...
	Resync profiles
		- Hold L3/LS and tap TRIANGLE/Y

〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜 〜	
	Kill Switch (disable everything)
		- Turn ON to OFF or OFF to ON
			- Hold aiming button and tap SHARE/VIEW 
			- Tap PS/XBOX 
		- Turn ON only (disable everything)
			- Tap Map button
		- Turn OFF only (enable everything)
			- Double tap CIRCLE/B
			- Hold CIRCLE/B more than 600ms
			- Hold SQUARE/X more than 1000ms while on the map only (for fast travel)

Dynamic Sensitivity (while aiming with weapons or skill): 

	DYNASENS_INITIAL_SENS displayed on OLED screen "DS Ini Sens" is your initial X and Y sensitivity (value range 0 - 100)
		While aiming, I want my sensitivity which is set to 100% in my game to be reduced by half as long as the stick input does not exceed DYNASENS_LIMIT
		So "DS Ini Sens" = 50 on the OLED screen

	DYNASENS_LIMIT displayed on OLED screen "DS Limit" is the stick input point from which the sensitivity increases (value range 0 - 100)
		When the stick input exceeds 65 (my DYNASENS_LIMIT value), it gradually increases the sensitivity from 50 (my DYNASENS_INITIAL_SENS value) to 100 (my DYNASENS_MAX_SENS value)
		The sensitivity increase rate is defined by DYNASENS_INCREASE_RATE

	DYNASENS_RESTART displayed on OLED screen "DS Restart" stick input point where sensitivity will reset back to initial sens (value range 0 - 100)
		When stick input goes down below 30 (my DYNASENS_RESTART value), stick sensitivity return to 50 (my DYNASENS_INITIAL_SENS value)

	DYNASENS_MAX_SENS displayed on OLED screen "DS Max Sens" is the maximum sensitivity value you want
		100 means that your maximum "DynaSens" sensitivity will be the one you set in your game

	DYNASENS_INCREASE_RATE displayed on OLED screen "DS Inc Rate" sensitivity increase rate
		1 = 10ms delay between increase

															THANK YOU FOR READING
															THANK YOU FOR READING
															THANK YOU FOR READING

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