Name: [FREE] - Panda Lethal V1
Category: Call of Duty
Author: RobinHood
/* ====================================================================================================*/ //=============================================================== // BUTTON LAYOUT //=============================================================== define BTN_FIRE = PS4_R2; define BTN_AIM = PS4_L2; define BTN_SPRINT = PS4_L3; define BTN_CROUCH = PS4_CIRCLE; define BTN_JUMP = PS4_CROSS; define BTN_SWAP = PS4_TRIANGLE; define BTN_RELOAD = PS4_SQUARE; define BTN_MELEE = PS4_R3; define BTN_TACTICAL = PS4_L1; define BTN_LETHAL = PS4_R1; define UP = PS4_UP; define RIGHT = PS4_RIGHT; define DOWN = PS4_DOWN; define LEFT = PS4_LEFT; define aim_x = PS4_RX; define aim_y = PS4_RY; define strafe = PS4_LX; define walk = PS4_LY; //=============================================================== // ADJUSTABLE VARIABLES //=============================================================== // Index to find Value Name string - switchable in game with left/right in ModEditFile: Panda Lethal V1.gpc
Size: 106.91 KiB
View download: [FREE] - Panda Lethal V1 (Call of Duty)