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[FREE] - Pedros Purgatory V2.2 (RUST)

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 1:00 am
by RobinHood

Name: [FREE] - Pedros Purgatory V2.2
Category: RUST
Author: RobinHood


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This was a collaboration between myself Jbaze122 and Redox.
Also want to give credit to JT0810, XBL Jedi, Fadexz ,Taylordrift, Swizzy, LegitCloudzzz,Highwater,DoatMe 
And anyone else that helped along the way or code may have been used. 


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V1.1 Update
	-Fixed LR hip fire for plug and play 1 and 2
	-Changed it so the the PS or XB button is only blocked when using the killswitch and not the entire controller
	-ADDED Micro Aiming. If you like how pedros nightmare V4.0 & V5.0  tracking was turn this on in the adjustable menus
	 If you like V3.2 Tracking than turn this off.
V1.2 Update
	-Fixed LR hip fire for plug and play 3 and 4
	-Y Sight Speed Not Working
V1.3 Update
	-Fixed some of the code so it allows it to work on beta 50 Fimware or Beta 68 Firmware
	-Custom Hip Fire Fixed
	-M39 4x Anti Recoil Adjusted
V2.0 Update
	-Added complete fine tuning of the script. See the discord for detailed instructions.
V2.1 Update 
	-Fixed Menu Bug
V2.2 Update
	- Fixed Various Bugs
	-Add Movement Anti Recoil in For all semis
	-I do not have values in for the M39 and M92 at the moment so you will need to find them for the plug and play in the Fine Tune Menu

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-This script is far differnt than Pedros Nightmare.
-First off it has 4 differnt plug and plays which will be listed below.
-Anti recoil works for each plug and play. No need for a hip fire value.
-You can now move and shoot with the M249.Holo and Iron work great for plug and play 1 & 2. 4X movement is not that great for plug and play 1 & 2.
-If you moving while using a M249 with a 4X on Plug and Play 1 & 2  make sure you are at FULL Speed.
-There are no custom sens with this script. There are 4 plug and play options.
-Set your ingame settings to one of the plug and plays. Choose the plug and play in the adjustable menu and your done.
-If the aiming speed is to slow or fast. Use the differnt Sens adjustable for that sight to slow down or speed up your aim.
-This script does have keyboard support read below for more detail.

OK I'll get into everything above in more detail below.

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-This is for when you are not in the main menu
-Bottom left corner of the screen is the quick toggle profile you are on.
-Bottom right hand corner of the screen is the slot the script is saved too.
-The active weapon and sight is listed on the bottom of the screen in the middle
-After a set amount of time the screen saver will be turned on and the active weapon and sight will bounce around the screen.
-Hold L1-LB and Press PS-XBOX to turn the kickswitch on and off. 
-Weapon quick toggle by default is L2/LT and Press and hold R3 for 200 milli seconds. This can be changed in the remap menu.
-Hold L2-LT and Press Options-Menu to open up the script Menu.

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-Hold L2-LT and Press Options-Menu to open the menu
-All buttons are blocked to the console while in the menu
-Press Up or Down on the Dpad to change the line you are on.
-There will be a box around the Words on the line you are on.
-Pressing Left or Right on the Dpad will change the option on the Right Side of the Menu for the line you are on.
-If you are changing a value in the adjustable menu you can either click the dpad or hold it to change the value.
-Press L1-LB or R1-RB to change between the differnt menus.
-Press PS - Xbox to save and exit the menu and return control back to the console. 

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-Each gun is listed on a line and is on the left side of the screen
-Each gun you can choose a sight on the right side of the screen.

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-This menu is used to set up your profiles so you can quick toggle between guns.
-Stop being a grub and going into the weapon menu to change your gun each time.
-It is far easier to change your weapon using a quick toggle and not having to enter a menu.
-You have 4 profiles you can set up-
-Each Profile can have a differnt gun and sight.

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-Plug and Play -- First you need to match your ingame settings to one of the plug and plays. 
 Than you match this to the plug and play you are using.

-Block Rumble -- This will turn off the vibration to the controler since vibration is needed for hip fire anti recoil
-Micro Aiming -- When this is on you are using Pedros Nightmare V4.0 and V5.0 Tracking. With this off you are using V3.2
-Deadzone RS -- This will change the deadzone for the Right Stick
-Deadzone LS -- This will change the deadzone for the Left Stick

If you find it when your using a plug and play and you want to make the aim slower or faster the 
Adjustables Listed below will do that without having to change your ingame settings.
For all of these a negative value is slower than the standard ingame sens and postive is faster. 
	-Hip Speed X & Y - This will speed up or slow down your hip sens while not aiming
	-Iron Speed X & Y - This will speed up or slow down your aim while using a weapon with iron sight.
	-Holo Speed X & Y - This will speed up or slow down your aim while using a weapon with Holo sight.
	-4x Speed X & Y - This will speed up or slow down your aim while using a weapon with 4x sight.

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All remaps must be done on the zen. The script will not work if you have your triggers remaped on your console.
If you have your buttons remaped on your console just unmap them.

-Left side of the screen is the operation that you want to remap
-Right side is what you want to remap it to.
-So if you want to make Aim which is L2-LT to L1-LB just change it to L1-LB.
This will swap L2 and L1 or LB and LT.

- You can Also Change your weapon Quick Toggle Hold Trigger and the button you need to hold to quick toggle guns.

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	1) If your playing the game in a different language please change the language to english since the setings menu is different in certain cases.
	2) Choose one of the plug and plays and match ALL the settings listed for it or it wont work
	3) Yes your deadzone needs to be 1 IN GAME. 
	4) The default SCRIPT deadzone is 15. It can be changed in the adjustable menu. 
	5) If you have stick drift increase THE SCRIPT DEADZONE IN THE ADJUSTABLE MENU.
	7) After you have matched all the ingame settings go to the adjustable menu and choose that plug and play.

File: Pedros_Purgatory_2.2.gpc
Size: 117.71 KiB

View download: [FREE] - Pedros Purgatory V2.2 (RUST)