[PREMIUM] - Star Zen Triple Zero V6 (2K25)

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[PREMIUM] - Star Zen Triple Zero V6 (2K25)

Post by RobinHood »

Name: [PREMIUM] - Star Zen Triple Zero V6
Category: 2K25
Author: RobinHood

				 $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\        $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$\   $$\       $$\    $$\  $$$$$$\  
				$$  __$$\\__$$  __|$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\       \____$$  |$$  _____|$$$\  $$ |      $$ |   $$ |$$  __$$\ 
				$$ /  \__|  $$ |   $$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ |          $$  / $$ |      $$$$\ $$ |      $$ |   $$ |$$ /  \__|
				\$$$$$$\    $$ |   $$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$  |         $$  /  $$$$$\    $$ $$\$$ |      \$$\  $$  |$$$$$$$\  
				 \____$$\   $$ |   $$  __$$ |$$  __$$<         $$  /   $$  __|   $$ \$$$$ |       \$$\$$  / $$  __$$\ 
				$$\   $$ |  $$ |   $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |       $$  /    $$ |      $$ |\$$$ |        \$$$  /  $$ /  $$ |
				\$$$$$$  |  $$ |   $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |      $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$ | \$$ |         \$  /    $$$$$$  |
				 \______/   \__|   \__|  \__|\__|  \__|      \________|\________|\__|  \__|          \_/     \______/ 
FEATURES: - Rhythm Shooting with □/X
		  - Catch and Shoot Auto Timing
		  - Anti Detection
		  - Auto Quickstop
		  - Defense Boost


- Menu Locked
		-- This means the script is still active, just gives you freedom of buttons back. If you find yourself switching pages or options often, lock the menu with L2+Options on any screen.
- Page Switching
		-- L2+R1 to go to next page. L2+L1 to go to previous page.
- Rhythm Shooting with □/X (Page 1 & 2)
		-- Page 1 has a toggle allowing you to turn this feature on or off.
			-- Use the square button and release your jumpshot at the SET POINT. The script will automatically push your right stick for you.
			-- Remember, this still requires you to time your shot and will be the most accurate way to shoot if timed well.
			-- Rhythm shooting generally takes longer to initially shoot compared to regular shooting, so if it's a tight window shot, use your remapped button.
		-- Page 2 allows you to change your tempo timing. This number is different for every jumpshot. You will need to take some practice shots to get the right number down.
			-- Shoot at the SET POINT cue for a perfect timing. Your jumpshot release cue does not matter. (This is the difference in Rhythm Shooting vs Normal Shooting).
			-- Tempo Timing will be different for every jumpshot. The tempo window with GOOD timed jumpshots is about 120ms.
			-- Slightly Slow? 1. You're releasing your shot too late most likely. 2. Decrease your Tempo Timing as a secondary if 1 didn't work.
			-- Slightly Fast? 1. You're releasing your shot too early most likely. 2. Increase your Tempo Timing as a secondary if 1 didn't work.
- Catch and Shoot Auto Timing (Page 3)
		-- Please be sure to set your tempo timing AND catch and shoot timing values first before using in game.
			-- Go to MyCourt and join a friends server. Turn meter on. Hold UP DPAD + Hold Square to activate.
			-- Depending on your shot timing, adjust your jumpshot timing on Page 3. Decrease for Late, Increase for Early.
- Original Square Remapping (Page 4)
		-- Since your □/X is now remapped for Rhythm Shooting (if it's turned on), you have the option to toggle between L1 and R3 for your normal functionality such as reaching/layups/dunks.
- Stealth Mode Jumpshot (Page 5)
		-- Enabling this option varies both your tempo and catch and shoot timing by +/- 3 ms to avoid detection risk.
		-- This option ON should not make you miss. It's most likely you timing your shot wrong.
- Auto Quickstop (Page 6)
		-- While moving any direction with your LEFT STICK, hold □/X, and the script will quickstop and begin to shoot. Remember to time your shot.
- Defense Boost (Page 7)
		-- Enabling this option will give you a boost in the direction you're holding your left stick when on defense (L2 held) and pressing or holding R1.
		-- If you mismanage your left stick on defense, it will feel like you boosted the wrong direction so be cautious.

	- Page 1: Tempo Timing
			-- To adjust, press L2+UP/LT+UP to increase by 1.
							L2+DOWN/LT+DONW to decrease by 1.
							L2+RIGHT/LT+RIGHT to increase by 5.
							L2+LEFT/LT+LEFT to decrease by 5.
	- Page 2: Catch and Shoot Timing
			-- To adjust, press L2+UP/LT+UP to increase by 1.
							L2+DOWN/LT+DONW to decrease by 1.
							L2+RIGHT/LT+RIGHT to increase by 10.
							L2+LEFT/LT+LEFT to decrease by 10.


File: 2k25 TripleZero.gpc
Size: 33.93 KiB

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