/* **** APEX ITALIA ZEN EDITION ENGHLISH VERSION **** Ver 4.0 32bit FATTO DA ANDRY 85 IF YOU LIKE A SCRIPT CAN DONATE AT: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/andry1985 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/rR3nAWSpKQ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cronusmaxitaliaofficial FORUM: https://cronusmax.com/forums/forumdispl ... o-Italiano ***** FEATURES ***** This script you can select and set all the weapons through the menu, for each weapon you can set the vertical recoil through the progressive recoil and if one wants to enable the horizontal recoil and adjust the strength, Rapid fire can be activated on the weapons that allow it, and then for each profile you can enable TBag, Jumpshot, Slide Cancel, strafe, Aim abuse which can be activated on three profiles - Aim Assist and polar can be enabled and set on a single profile with the possibility of setting the boost for sticky and Polar, autoping and shield swap can be enabled via the menu and the cursor speed can be set. Change the weapon name directly from the Zen menu, guide mode where it disables part of the script, possibility from Zen menu to change slot quickly, possibility to select pad layout directly from menu. IMPORTANT: ENABLE RUMBLE IN GAME COLOR PROFILE (PRIMARY PROFILE GREEN) (SECODARY PROFILE RED) (THIRD PROFILE BLU) (SPEED TOOGLE) rapidfire = (HOLD Ads and press for MORE THAN 0.3s PS4_LEFT Profile color flash) strafe = (HOLD Ads and press for MORE THAN 0.3s PS4_RIGHT Profile color flash + blue) AIM abuse = (HOLD Ads and press for MORE THAN 0.3s PS4_down Profile color flash + pink) TBAG = (HOLD KEY CROUCH and PRESS FOR MORE THAN 0.3s PS4_DOWN profile color flashing + YELLOW) jumpshot = (HOLD KEY JUMP and PRESS FOR MORE THAN 0.3s PS4_RIGHT flashing color profile + WHITE) (FAST HEAL:) PREMERE(HOLD) X(xbox) o QUADRATO(PLAY)/ E D-PAD UP: KIT FENICE PREMERE(HOLD) X(xbox) o QUADRATO(PLAY) E D-PAD DOWN: KIT SIRINGA PREMERE(HOLD) X(xbox) o QUADRATO(PLAY) E D-PAD LEFT: KIT MEDIKIT PREMERE(HOLD) X(xbox) o QUADRATO(PLAY) E D-PAD RIGHT: KIT BATTERY /*=============================================================================================================================| | Please read the instructions before programming the script on zen. READ INSTRUCTIONS - READ INSTRUCTIONS | | In the following section you can change some buttons according to your personal preferences. | | TRUE means ON FALSE means OFF | |==============================================================================================================================| | Button to change profile. Change weapon | ===============================================================================================================================| | BUTTONS FOR PANIC BUTTON HOLD ADS AND PRESS Y(TRIANGLE) | ===============================================================================================================================| |GUIDE MODE Press AIM + two quick taps right arrow to ENABLE | | To disable SQUARE (for PS) or X (for XBOX) | ===============================================================================================================================| |TO ENTER IN THE GAME Generic PROFILE, PRESS THE FISTING KEY AND DOWN ARROW | | To exit GEnerics mode, press and hold Fists for 1 second | |==============================================================================================================================| | IN THIS SCRIPT THERE IS THE AUTOMATIC PING AND IT WORKS WHEN YOU MAKE FIRE AND YOU CAN ACTIVATE IN THE ZEN MENU | ===============================================================================================================================| /* Read the instructions below for how to use the Zen menu ============================================================================================================================ ==== Enter menu mode ===== Press AIM and Press OPTIONS / MENU === ============================================================================================================================ ==== To edit any mod in the menu ===== Press CROSS / A to edit === ============================================================================================================================ ==== Navigate between the mods in the zen menu ===== press right or left using the arrows on the D-PAD === ============================================================================================================================ ==== Enable or disable mods ===== Press UP ACTIVATE press DOWN DEACTIVATE === ============================================================================================================================ ==== Change primary and secondary and third profile in the menu ===== Press Y / TRIANGLE === ============================================================================================================================ ==== Change primary and secondary profile in the game ===== Press Y / TRIANGLE === ============================================================================================================================ ==== Modes editing mods in the zen menu ===== Press CROSS / A to enter or Press CIRCLE / B to exit === ============================================================================================================================ ==== HOW CHANGE VALUE ===== HOLD L2 / LT and CLICK RIGHT to increase +1 === ===== LEFT CLICK to decrease -1 === ===== CLICK UP to increment +10 === ===== CLICK DOWN to decrease -10 === ============================================================================================================================ ==== Navigate through the editable values in edit mode ===== CLICK RIGHT OR LEFT === ============================================================================================================================ ==== TO SAVE ALL MODS THAT HAVE BEEN MODIFIED OR ACTIVATED ===== PRESS XBOX / PS Button ON THE DISPLAY WILL WRITE === === SAVED ============================================================================================================================ ==== TO EXIT MENU MODE ONCE SAVED ===== HOLD AIM AND PRESS OPTIONS / MENU === ============================================================================================================================ ==== KILLSWICTH ===== HOLD ADS AND CLIC SHARE/VIEW === FINE ISTRUZIONI NON TOCCARE DA QUI IN GIU //NON TOCCARE DA QUI IN GIU // NON TOCCARE DA QUI IN GIU // NON TOCCARE DA QUI IN GIU // */
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