[FREE] - Weepings Revenge V1.2

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This was a collaboration between myself Jbaze122 and Redox.
Also want to give credit to JT0810, XBL Jedi, Fadexz ,Taylordrift, Swizzy, LegitCloudzzz,Highwater,DoatMe 
And anyone else that helped along the way or code may have been used. 

Join the Discord

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V1.1 Update
	-Fixed Hip Fire Anti Recoil for Custom SMG
	-Fixed Bug when using the kill switch blocking your stick inputs
	-M39 was slightly pulling up for me with 4X If your still having issues with it make a bug report on the discord.
V1.2 Update
	-Fixed some of the code so it allows it to work on beta 50 Fimware or Beta 68 Firmware

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-This script is far differnt than Pedros Nightmare.
-First off it has 4 differnt plug and plays which will be listed below.
-Anti recoil works for each plug and play. No need for a hip fire value.
-You can now move and shoot with the M249.Holo and Iron work great for plug and play 1 & 2. 4X movement is not that great for plug and play 1 & 2.
-If you moving while using a M249 with a 4X on Plug and Play 1 & 2  make sure you are at FULL Speed.
-There are no custom sens with this script. There are 4 plug and play options.
-Set your ingame settings to one of the plug and plays. Choose the plug and play in the adjustable menu and your done.
-If the aiming speed is to slow or fast. Use the differnt Sens adjustable for that sight to slow down or speed up your aim.
-This script does have keyboard support read below for more detail.

OK I'll get into everything above in more detail below.

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-This is for when you are not in the main menu
-Bottom left corner of the screen is the quick toggle profile you are on.
-Bottom right hand corner of the screen is the slot the script is saved too.
-The active weapon and sight is listed on the bottom of the screen in the middle
-After a set amount of time the screen saver will be turned on and the active weapon and sight will bounce around the screen.
-Hold L1-LB and Press PS-XBOX to turn the kickswitch on and off. 
-Weapon quick toggle by default is L2/LT and Press and hold R3 for 200 milli seconds. This can be changed in the remap menu.
-Hold L2-LT and Press Options-Menu to open up the script Menu.
-Hold R1-RB and hold the direction on the dpad to turn on and off certain mods.

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-Hold L2-LT and Press Options-Menu to open the menu
-All buttons are blocked to the console while in the menu
-Press Up or Down on the Dpad to change the line you are on.
-There will be a box around the Words on the line you are on.
-Pressing Left or Right on the Dpad will change the option on the Right Side of the Menu for the line you are on.
-If you are changing a value in the adjustable menu you can either click the dpad or hold it to change the value.
-Press L1-LB or R1-RB to change between the differnt menus.
-Press PS - Xbox to save and exit the menu and return control back to the console. 

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-Each gun is listed on a line and is on the left side of the screen
-Each gun you can choose a sight on the right side of the screen.

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-This menu is used to set up your profiles so you can quick toggle between guns.
-Stop being a grub and going into the weapon menu to change your gun each time.
-It is far easier to change your weapon using a quick toggle and not having to enter a menu.
-You have 4 profiles you can set up-
-Each Profile can have a differnt gun and sight.

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-Plug and Play -- First you need to match your ingame settings to one of the plug and plays. 
 Than you match this to the plug and play you are using.
-Deadzone RS -- This will change the deadzone for the Right Stick
-Deadzone LS -- This will change the deadzone for the Left Stick

If you find it when your using a plug and play and you want to make the aim slower or faster the 
Adjustables Listed below will do that without having to change your ingame settings.
For all of these a negative value is slower than the standard ingame sens and postive is faster. 
	-Hip Speed X & Y - This will speed up or slow down your hip sens while not aiming
	-Iron Speed X & Y - This will speed up or slow down your aim while using a weapon with iron sight.
	-Holo Speed X & Y - This will speed up or slow down your aim while using a weapon with Holo sight.
	-4x Speed X & Y - This will speed up or slow down your aim while using a weapon with 4x sight.
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1)Once in the mod menu press Up or Down to change the mod you are on.
2)Press Left or Right to turn the mod on or off
3)Press A / Cross to enter the mod adjustables if it has any.
4)If in the mod adjustable menu press B / Circle to go back to the mod menu

 +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |M|i|c|r|o| |A|i|m|i|n|g|
 +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will switch between two differnt types of tracking
	On - This will give you a full stick range while having a deadzone. On is 4.0 and 5.0 Tracking
 	Off- This will output your controllers input value once you exceed the deadzone. Off is 3.2 Tracking
 +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |B|l|o|c|k| |R|u|m|b|l|e|
 +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+
	Description - This Blocks all ingame vibration when turned on.
	How to Activate when turned on - Once turned on it is always on.
	Mod Edit Values - None

	Description - This will invert the anti recoil on the vertical axis. 
	How to Activate when turned on - Turn your ingame setting for invert y axis on. 
	Mod Edit Values - None
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
 |F|a|r|m| |M|o|d|e|
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will Spam R2,Square Triangle / RT,X or Y. This good for picking,planting or cloning plants ingame. 
	How to Activate when turned on - Hold the button listed above and it will spam it. 
	Mod Edit Values - None

 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
 |B|u|t|t|o|n| |S|p|a|m|
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will spam any button on the controller.
	How to Activate when turned on - Double tap the button you want to spam to turn the spam on and off for that button
	Mod Edit Values - None
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
 |A|u|t|o| |L|i|g|h|t| |O|r| |L|a|s|e|r|
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will turn on the laser when ever you aim down sight. When you release L2/LT it will turn it off.  
	How to Activate when turned on - Simply hold L2/LT and it will turn it on than turn it off when you release L2/LT 
	Mod Edit Values - None

 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
 |A|u|t|o| |R|u|n| |o|r| |S|w|i|m|
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will make you auto run or swim when turned on and activated
	How to Activate when turned on - Click in the left stick twice to turn on. It will turn off when you go to move the left stick past a certain radius. 
	Mod Edit Values - None

 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
 |A|u|t|o| |D|r|i|v|e|
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will hold down R2 while driving a boat
	How to Activate when turned on - Hold L1/LB and Press R2/RT to turn it on and off
	Mod Edit Values - None

	Description - It will move you around to keep you from being kicked ingame.
	How to Activate when turned on - Simply just turn it on and exit the menu. 
	Mod Edit Values - None

 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
 |W|a|l|t|e|r| |W|h|i|t|e|
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will allow you to cook anything and not use any wood.
	How It Works- 
		-You need to have 1000 wood in the first slot and 500 wood the the second slot of any wood using machine. 
		-Then hover over the first slot turn on the machine
		-after activate Walter White 
		-It will cook all ore, food, and crude, but it won’t use wood and it won’t make charcoal
	How to Activate when turned on - Hold Triangle / Y and press up on the dpad. 
	Mod Edit Values - None
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
 |F|u|r|n|a|c|e| |S|p|l|i|t|
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
	Description - This split the TOP Row of a Furnace
	How It Works- 
		-Fill the top row of a large furnace with what you want to split. 
		-Then hover over the first slot and press A / Cross
		-Turn off this mod once you are done
	How to Activate when turned on - Press A / Cross on the first slot after you have filled the top row.
	Mod Edit Values - None
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
 |R|o|c|k|e|t| |R|a|i|d|
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will fire a certain amount of rockets than reload your launchers. 
	How It Works- 
		-First you need to set it up.
		-Turn the mod on and press A / Cross to enter the mod edit. 
		-Choose how many launcers you will be using and which slot the first launcer will be on in your hotbar.
		-Save and exit.
		-Than fill your hotbar with the launcers starting on the corrrect slot. 
		-Press the dpad left or right until your on the first launcer.
		-Hold L1/LB and press R2/RT.
		-The script will fire are the launchers than reload them after they are all fired.
		-Hold L1/LB and press R2/RT to fire again
		-If any point you press left or right on the dpad it will stop the mod. You will need to go and reload the launcers your fired manualy. 
	How to Activate when turned on - Hold L1/LB and Press R2/RT
	Mod Edit Values - Launcher Amount
					- Starting Slot

 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
 |A|u|t|o| |E|o|k|a|
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will attempt to 1 tap your eokas. Sometimes its a 2 or 3 tap. Once it fired it will go onto the next eoka. 
	How It Works- 
		-First you need to set it up.
		-Turn the mod on and press A / Cross to enter the mod edit. 
		-Choose how many eoka's you will be using and which slot the first eoka will be on in your hotbar.
		-Save and exit.
		-Than fill your hotbar with the eokas starting on the corrrect slot. 
		-Press the dpad left or right until your on the first eoka.
		-Press R2/RT and let go
		-The script will attempt to one tap the eoka. Once it detects the vibration it will move onto the next eoka.
	How to Activate when turned on - Press R2 / RT 
	Mod Edit Values - Eoka Amount
					- Starting Slot
 +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
 |Q|u|i|c|k| |T|u|r|n|
 +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will spin you around automatically.
	How to Activate when turned on - Simply double tap jump and it will spin you around. 
	Mod Edit Values - Turn Time - This will be the time it turns you in ms.
	                - Turn Strength - This will be the stregth it will turn your character. 

 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
 |C|r|o|u|c|h| |S|p|a|m|
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will spam crouch. 
	How to Activate when turned on - Simply hold the crouch button for longer than the start delay and you will start to spam crouch.
	Mod Edit Values - Start Delay- This is the time in ms you must hold crouch for it to activate.
				    - Crouch Time- This is the time in ms you stay crouched before standing up.

 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
 |C|r|o|u|c|h| |S|h|o|t|
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will spam crouch while shooting. 
	How to Activate when turned on - Simply aim down sight and shoot for longer than the start delay.
	Mod Edit Values - Start Delay- This is the time in ms you must shoot for it to activate.
	                - Crouch Time- This is the time in ms you stay crouched before standing up.

 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |A|u|t|o| |S|t|r|a|f|e|
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will make your player go left and right fast while shooting. 
	How to Activate when turned on - Simply aim down sight and shoot for longer than the start delay.  
	Mod Edit Values - Start Delay- This is the time in ms you must shoot for it to activate.
					- Strafe Time - This is the time you in ms you will go left or right.	
				    - Aim Correction - This will make you aim in the opposite direction your charter is going in the strafe
							           it is not perfect. You will only be able to get it so good. I recommend starting at
							           1 and increasing it by 1 till you get it the best you can.

 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
 |A|u|t|o| |C|o|d|e| |L|o|c|k|
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
	Description - This will enter your base code for you automatically. This is not a code raid. 
	How to Activate when turned on - Look at the lock and hold L1/LB and press Triangle/Y on the lock. 
	Mod Edit Values - Code
	                Press Left or Right to change between the 1st and last digit. 
					Press Up or Down to change the digits value. 

 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |J|a|c|k| |H|a|m|m|e|r|
 +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+
	Description - You can assign the jack hammer script to any button. This allows you to keep you weapon active and press a button to farm. 
	How to Activate when turned on - Hold the button you assigned in the mod edit and it will spam the jack hammer script.
	Mod Edit Values - Button Hold - This is the button you can hold to use the jack hammer script. It doesnt need to be R2 / RB.
					- When ever you press this button while the mod is on it will block that button and and spam the jack hammer script on R2

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All remaps must be done on the zen. The script will not work if you have your triggers remaped on your console.
If you have your buttons remaped on your console just unmap them.

-Left side of the screen is the operation that you want to remap
-Right side is what you want to remap it to.
-So if you want to make Aim which is L2-LT to L1-LB just change it to L1-LB.
This will swap L2 and L1 or LB and LT.

- You can Also Change your weapon Quick Toggle Hold Trigger and the button you need to hold to quick toggle guns.

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In this menu you can assign Mod quick toggles to the the button combo shown on the right side of the screen.
By default Fire is R2 so all the mod quick toggles will be R1 + a Direction on the dpad. You must hold this for half a second to turn the mod on and off
If you change the Fire button to R1. You will notice in the mod quick toggle menu the text will change on the left side of the screen.
Just use Up or down to go the the quick toggle combo
Than use Left and Right to assign the mod you want to turn on and off with that combo


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