[FREE] - COD PRO V7 (Fadexz) (Call of Duty)

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[FREE] - COD PRO V7 (Fadexz) (Call of Duty)

Post by RobinHood »

Name: [FREE] - COD PRO V7 (Fadexz)
Category: Call of Duty
Author: RobinHood


    █████   ███─  ████─     ████─ ████─    ███──
    █─     █─  █  █   █─    █  █  █   █   █─  █
    █      █   █  █─  █     ████  █████─  █   █
    █      █   █  █   █     █──   █── █   █   █─
    █████─  ███   ████──    █     █   ██   ███

    v7.0.0 — Mar 2024

    By Fadexz

    █ Anti-Recoil (compensates recoil while also able to use rumble/vibration to increase the amount on shots)
    █ Slowdown Aim Assist Abuse (automatically moves your ads (in small circle) while you are not moving to allow for slowing down when moving towards a target which will favour to their direction)
    █ Reload Cancel (automatically cancel reload on press of 'ADS' and/or 'FIRE')
    █ Auto Reload (automatically reload after shooting)
    █ Jump Shot (jump when pressing 'ADS' and/or 'FIRE')
    █ Rapid Fire (turbo/spam 'FIRE' for non-auto weapons automatically on hold)
    █ Auto Focus (automatically focuses (hold breath) while ADS)
    █ Auto Ping (ping when firing, on a specified time of no firing cooldown)
    █ Snap On Aim Assist Abuse (for ZM/SP aka PvE modes, don't use on PvP modes)
    █ Quick Scoper (instantly unscopes and removes shot recoil to make quick scoping feel nicer, requires a throwing knife)
    █ Turbo Jump (spam on hold)
    █ Turbo Melee (spam on hold)
    █ Auto Sprint (has press, toggle, and hold options) + Boosted Auto Sprint Mode (exploit for Black Ops Cold War) (these also make the walk area larger by making the sprint area a little tighter than in-game Auto Sprint, requires auto sprint in-game disabled and preferably use hold mode to allow the script to stop the sprinting)
    █ Slide Cancel (Quickly cancels your slide midway and stands immediately)
    █ Pickup Cancel (Cancels out the animation of picking up a weapon to almost instantly start being able to use it)
    █ Swap Cancel (Cancels out the animation of swapping a weapon as soon as the weapon has been swapped, best when both weapons have similar swap times)
    █ Dropshot (automatically drops to prone when firing then immediately stands afterwards)
    █ Crouch Shot (automatically crouches when firing)
    █ "YY" Cancel (fun feature, cancel the swap animation constantly to jitter the animation for a visual effect, may cause delayed ads)
    █ Hair Triggers (removed trigger deadzone — any press is 100% input)
    █ Humanise Inputs (randomise values and limit turbo features to keep closer to human limitations)
    █ Display Config (configure what displays on the OLED Screen and how it does, such as screensaver options)
    █ LED Config (customise how the Zen's LED displays)
    █ Block Vibration (stop vibration to the controller but allow rumble-based features to still work)
    █ Inactivity Timeout (allows for you to turn off your controller or other stuff when inactive)
    █ Fast Power Off (quickly power off your controller with a shorter hold of the XBOX/PS button than usual, for wireless connection only)
    █ Adaptive Triggers Config (gives control over what the DualSense Adaptive Triggers do)
    █ No Rumble Fix (fix no vibration on the DualSense controller)
    █ Crossover Mapping (proper mapping for unmatching controllers and consoles)
    █ Game Input Layout Customisation (map the script to your game button layout)
    █ All other features with combos (or automated input sequences) have the "Input Interval" and "Dynamic VM Timing" to ensure you get faster combos with no added "input delay" (aka normally running at 100hz or 10ms intervals, currently always ensures a 125hz/8ms or 250hz/4ms polling rate regardless of input interval used)

    ███ Menu ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████─
    █                                                                                                 █
    █  Enter Menu              >  Fully Hold 'ADS' & Press 'MENU' (Default: LT/L2 & MENU/OPTIONS)     █──
    █                                                                                                 █─
    █  Enter Next Menu         >  Press A/CROSS (edit menu - on an adjustable selection)              █
    █                                                                                                 █──
    █  Exit Current Menu       >  Press B/CIRCLE (saves values to memory when exiting the main menu)  █
    █                                                                                                 █─
    █  Exit Menu               >  Press 'MENU' (Default: MENU/OPTIONS) (won't save to memory)         █
    █                                                                                                 █─
    █  Change Selected Option  >  Press LEFT (previous) or Press RIGHT (next)                         █──
    █                                                                                                 █
    █  Change Selected Value   >  Press UP (increase) or Press DOWN (decrease)                        █─
    █                                                                                                 █
    ███ Quick Toggles (outside menu) ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████─
    █                                                                                                 █
    █  Toggle Rapid Fire       >  Hold 'SCOREBOARD' & Press 'STREAK' (Default: VIEW/TOUCH & RIGHT)    █──
    █                                                                                                 █─
    █  Disable Turbo features  >  Hold 'UNUSED' (Default: DOWN) (active while holding)                █
    █                                                                                                 █─

    Congrats, you now know the basics to get started, have fun! 😜

    —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —

    In-Depth Notes:
    █ [ Pickup Cancel ]
    █ With this feature on you may have issues with hold interacting on things, you should not use this feature in modes
    █ that you need to hold to interact in or if you intend on using them while you play (e.g bomb defuser)
    █ [ Swap Cancel ]
    █ This feature won't benefit weapons that are brought out faster than cancelling the animation would be
	█ For this feature, I recommend both weapons being around the same time to swap to as you will need to use a speed
	█ for the slowest one
    █ [ LED Brightness ]
    █ I suggest you lower the brightness level of "Dual Shock 4 Light Bar Brightness" in the Device tab of Zen Studio so
    █ you don't have to be blind by the Zen's LED (I use 25%), otherwise you can change it further through the menu just
    █ for this script
    █ [ Defaults ]
    █ The features selected below under this large comment are what will be enabled or disabled by default, you can
	█ change them there if you wish, otherwise you can change them later through the menu on the Zen's Screen which
	█ will be saved to the memory for later use
    █ [ > 60fps ]
    █ Mainly if on PC and you understand this then be sure to adjust in the menu (under 'Hair Triggers') to whatever
	█ your max frametime is plus one (e.g (1000ms/100fps) = 10ms, rounded up to even), your frame time or frame rate
	█ should not drop past this number ever or 99% of the time, mainly intended to be changed for higher framerates
	█ for faster completion of automated input sequences, just keep in mind you should expect it to be a little lower
	█ than your average down to the worse performance for 1% of the time
    █ Important: If you experience missed inputs from combos (automated inputs) you should increase this number until
	█ it stops missing them (like keeping it at 20ms)
    █ [ Cold War ]
    █ Boosted Auto Sprint is ~3.5% faster than normal sprinting, however I haven't tested in normal gameplay if it still
    █ has as much of a worthy benefit or if it can be better (might be more of an annoyance than useful)

    █ Feel free to support me for the thousands of hours I put into making this script the best as possible to my
    █ ability, for those that do it does help motivate me to keep making and put more work into the scripts,
    █ and be able to expand into making more unique scripts in the future, plus it just makes my day 😊https://revolut.me/Fadexzhttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/Fadexz (note: sent internationally)
	█ https://paypal.me/Fadexz

																																																																																																																																																																													*/																																						int __WARNINGS__ARE__INTENDED__do_not_sell_my_sht__developed_by_fadexz__
																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						=																																																																																								 CPU_USAGE																																																																																																																															+																																																																																																																															 1;																																																																/*																																																																																	
    Additonal Notes:
    █ Please ignore any compiler warnings, they are intended
    █ This script will eventually come to a "complete" state with time, so expect slow but constant updates 😎
    █ Please report any issues or suggestions to me, I rarely get any but it would help me improve
    █ the script with things I couldn't think of!
    █ View code changes on GitHub at https://github.com/Fadexz/GPC-Scripts/b ... %20Pro.gpc

    Contact me:
    █ https://discord.com/users/291872132898619392 (fadexz)
    █ https://forums.cronusmax.com/members/fadexz.356349

    Additional Credits:
    █ Batts              >  Base value displaying functionality
    █ DoNotAtMe ("Me.")  >  "Slowdown" Aim Assist Abuse
    █ Swizzy             >  Bit-packed SPVAR saving
    █ Taylordrift21      >  Rumble-based Anti-Recoil

    To Do (for me):
    █ Dropshot - Stand on release of ADS option
    █ Vibration + LED menu only options FX Toggle
    █ Auto Sprint for Sprint Cancels Reload
    █ Ez Equipment Cancel??
    █ Block all output in menu option
    █ Ez Cook Frag (Tap & Tap To Release) + Suicide Prevention (Throw | Swap)
    █ Stance Detection
    █ Polar AA disable on fire option
    █ Akimbo Sync + Akimbo Rapid Fire
    █ Burst Fire (modify rapid fire??)
    █ Anti-AFK Kick
    █ Strafe AA
    █ Mod record time mode
    █ Button swap
    █ Diamond and Star Shape "Aim Assist Abuse"
    █ Display battery level (+ other info)
    █ Mouse & Keyboard Menu Support
    █ Loadouts/Profiles - Weapon Pickup Mode
    █ Bouncing Title Text (and more screensavers)
    █ Issues:
    █ Fix slide cancel to allow dolpine dive (in MWIII)
    █ Fix for 10ms polling - Actual Controller Polling Rate Detection
    █ Fix brightness on battery status breathing level change


File: COD PRO V7.gpc
Size: 223.73 KiB

View download: [FREE] - COD PRO V7 (Fadexz) (Call of Duty)
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