[PREMIUM] - Goat Mode V1 (2K25)

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[PREMIUM] - Goat Mode V1 (2K25)

Post by RobinHood »

 ! Message from: RobinHood
The script will ask you to enter a code to access it… the code is: 6969

Name: [PREMIUM] - Goat Mode V1
Category: 2K25
Author: RobinHood
 GoatMode 2k25 [32bit]

Game: NBA and Basketball games
Version 1.0
Device: CronusZEN ONLY
Controller tested: DS4 - DS5 - Elite 2 - Elite 1
Console tested: Series X/S - XB1 - PS5 - PS4 - Windows 10 - Windows 11
Thanks to the entire NBA community!

Note measures has been added to this script to prove who made it. If sold without creator permission will result in legal actions.

Version 2.0
- Added dribbles on LS or RS

You have 3 different player profiles
	- Profile 1 (Blue Color LED)
	- Profile 2 (Pink Color LED)
	- Profile 3 (Aqua Color LED)

Each of the 3 profiles also has a temporary value which is adjustable.
This Temp Val will be added to or subtracted from the pre-stored value to allow you to make fine adjustments to your shots
As Temp Val is profile-dependent, if you change the player on a profile, remember to reset the Temp Val
	- You can reset these temporary values from the ModPlayer by holding down CROSS/A 500ms (NOTE: you can only reset the temp values of the active profile)
You can write down your adjusted values on a piece of paper.
You will then be able to modify the value in the corresponding arrays.
This way, while In Game, when you change Tesm or player, shot time will already be perfectly adjusted for you.

Note: Player Names can be up to 11 characters long!

Each profile has:
	- Green Shot with its own Toggle, and adjustable values.
	- Jump Shot with its own Toggle and adjustable values
	- Free Throw with its own Toggle and adjustable values
	- Pro Shot with its own Toggle and adjustable values
All profiles has:
	- Shot Recorder, records the time for a shot so you can use the shot with a press of 2 buttons later
	- Sprint sets the trigger to fully held when Left Stick is pushed over 80 percent
	- Swap Trigger/Bumper with global toggle
	- VM Speed which helps with lag and delay to console

	P R O F I L E   F E A T U R E S   W I T H   A D J U S T A B L E   V A L U E S

			All of these do same function they allow you to set a time for a shot.
			Green Shot 
			   - Allows you to set time for green shot mod, for greens you must have good timing for the shot (uses X/square to shoot)

			Free Throw
			   - Allows you to set time for the mod free throw, you need to adjust timing for perfect free throws (uses X/square to shoot)
			Jump Shot
				- Allows you to set time for jump shot mod which is just like the other two with same functaion (uses X/square to shoot)
			    - Allows you to preform a dribble on either the right stick or the left stick. all you got to do is press stick in.
	NOTE: A good default release time is 200 to 500.
	WARNINIG!!!	Recommend using only one Shot mod active at one time. You can use quick toggles to turn off or on once it is enabled in menu.

 G L O B A L   F E A T U R E 

			Button Layout
				- Allows you to match your controls from the game to the script so all everything works with your layout.
			Stick Layout
				- Allows you to match your controls from the game to the script so all everything works with your layout.
			Green Shot & Jump Shot
				- Set your own timing for a spot you like to throw from, this timing of the button allows you to have button held for the time desired
			Free Throw
			 	- Once again timing is everything for any shot, but you are still covered with your shot being timed.
			Swap Trigger/bumper 
				- Swap L1/LB with L2/LT and swap R1/RB with R2/RT 
			Pro Shot
				- Pro shot allows the right stick to be pressed down then up, botton right to top left, bottom left to top right motion using the time you set
				for hold and release time
				You would only press stick down, or bottom right, or bottom left and it will automatically pull the stick or you can press left bumper aka LB/L1
				to that direction and then opposite of that direction, and the user sets the hold time for the stick going from point a to point b. 
				Example: the hold time from Right Stick is DOWN to the Right Stick pressing UP. Release time can be default or 200.
			Rhythm Shot
				 - This is similiar to Pro shot but makes the ahot by pressing left bumper aka LB/L1, 
			 Use the square button and release your jumpshot at the SET POINT. The script will automatically push your right stick for you. You are required to time your shot
			Rhythm shooting generally takes longer to shoot compared to regular shooting.
	         	- You will notice different timing for every jumpshot. You will need to take some practice shots to get the right number down.
			    - Shoot at the SET POINT for best timing. Your shot release time does not matter. (This is the difference in Rhythm Shooting vs Normal Shooting).
			    - Rhythm Timing will be different for every shot. The Rhythm window with GOOD timed shots is about 120ms and up
			    - If your shot too late or too slow Decrease your Rhythm Timing
			    - If your shot too early or too fast Increase your Rhythm Timing
				- Turn mod on and make the shot, and if you liked the shot use dpads to set shot. This records the time you have the shot button held 
				in and once you release button recording stops and you then assign it to a dpad for later use. 
				(DPAD UP = Rec Shot 1, DPAD DOWN = Rec Shot 2, DPAD LEFT = Rec Shot 3, DPAD RIGHT = Rec Shot 4)
			    You will know if it recoreded shot it will vibrate once, and 
				when you save it will vibrate twice to help user know.
				To use the shot: 
				HOLD Left Bumper (LB/L1) & PRESS Y for shot you saved to the up dpad
				HOLD Left Bumper (LB/L1) & PRESS A for shot you saved to the down dpad
				HOLD Left Bumper (LB/L1) & PRESS B for shot you saved to the right dpad
				HOLD Left Bumper (LB/L1) & PRESS X for shot you saved to the left dpad
				- Make player move_player when left stick is pushed over 80%
			Rumbles - Will block all controller vibration and adaptive trigger vibration (in game, rumble must be ON and adaptive/haptic triggers if available)
				- Disable controller rumbles 									
			VM Control
				- Adjust the speed of the virtual machine aka Cronus Zen, What this does is sets the speed which the script updates. This can improve input lag, improve delay and
				improve timing, 				
				Each Console runs best at different vm speeds But you can try each and determine yourself.
				Default (10ms)    = 0 
				Xbox One (8ms)    = 1
				PS4	(6ms)	      = 2
				PS5 (4ms)         = 3
				Xbox Series (2ms) = 4
				PC (1ms)	      = 5		

 T O O G L E  I N F O R M A T I O N 

				In the menu, some mods may start to run like sprint or a shot mod. So to resolve that you can use the KillsSwitch which disables the script.	
				- more instrictions below
			Resync Button 
				- Hold L3/LS and tap TRIANGLE/Y to resync profile			
			Speed Toggle
				- quickly toggle a mod without going into the mod menu	
			Speed Player Swap
				- switch on the fly your team and player (without having to go into ModPlayer)
				- more instructions below				

 I N S T R U C T I O N S - I M P O R T A N T,  P L E A S E   R E A D   C A R E F U L L Y 


How to use the Mod Menu:

	Open ModMenu (L2/LT + OPTIONS/MENU to open or exit)
		Choose which profile in mod menu you want to modify (Player 1, Player 2 or Player 3) 
			- Tap TRIANGLE/Y 
		Navigate between the different MODS with LEFT or RIGHT (D pad)
			- tap UP or DOWN to turn ON or OFF		
		Activate the mods you want on each profile...
	If the mod displayed has one or more editable value(s): 
		- Tap CROSS/A to close ModMenu and go to ModEdit
	Tap SQUARE/X to close Mod Menu and go to ModPlayer
	Close the ModMenu and save all adjustaments/settings: Double press B/CIRCLE and you will be prompted SAVED.

How to use the ModEdit: (while in Mod Menu, tap CROSS/A to close ModM enu and go to ModEdit - if the mod displayed has one or more editable value)

		Navigate between the different value names with LEFT or RIGHT
		Change/edit the value:
			- Hold CROSS/A and 
				- tap UP or RIGHT to increase value 
				- tap DOWN or LEFT to decrease value
		To exit ModEdit and go back to Mod Menu, tap CIRCLE/B
		Hold L2/LT and tap PS/XBOX or double tap B/CIRCLE to close every Mod Menu.		

How to use the ModPlayer: (while in ModMenu, tap SQUARE/X to close ModMenu and go to ModPlayer)
		Choose which profile you want to modify (Profile 1, Profile 2 or Profile 3) 
			- Tap TRIANGLE/Y 
		To switch between Teams 
			- Tap UP or DOWN
		To switch between Players 
			- Tap LEFT or RIGHT
		Hold CROSS/A 500ms to restore to default Shot Meter temporary values of the active profile
		Tap CIRCLE/B to close ModPlayer and go to ModMenu
	 Double Tap B/CIRCLE to close every Menu
	Save all and exit Mod Menu:	
		- Double tap B/CIRCLE to save EVERY values, toggles, Character and Player, independently for EACH profile
	Speed toggles for the active profile (outside Mod Menu/Edit/Player)
		- Hold aiming button and hold 300ms UP, DOWN, RIGHT or LEFT
			- UP    for	Pro Shot 
			- DOWN  for	Green Shot
			- LEFT  for	Free Throw					    
		   	- RIGHT for Jump Shot		   	
	Speed swap for the active profile (outside Mod Menu/Edit/Player)
		- Hold R3/RS and tap UP, DOWN, RIGHT or LEFT
			- UP and DOWN change your current Team
			- RIGHT and LEFT change your current Player
	Switch profiles
		- In Game:
			- Tap DPAD DOWN to switch player 1 player 2 and player 3 
		- In Mod Menu/Edit/Player
			- Hold DPAD DOWN and press Y/Trianggle to loop profile 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 ...
	Resync profiles
		- Hold L3/LS and tap TRIANGLE/Y
	Player 1 (Blue Zen LED Eyes)
		- Hold Dpad LEFT and tap X/SQUARE
	Player 2 (Pink Zen LED Eyes)
		- Hold Dpad LEFT and tap Y/TRIANGLE
	Player 3 (Aqua Zen LED Eyes)
		- Hold Dpad LEFT and tap B/CIRCLE
	Kill Switch (disable everything)
		- Turn ON to OFF or OFF to ON
			- Hold Left Trigger and tap PS BUTTON or XBOX BUTTON				
		    - Turn OFF only (enable everything)
			- Double tap CIRCLE/B
			- Hold CIRCLE/B more than 600ms
			- Hold SQUARE/X more than 1000ms while on the menu only	

The basic function is to set your timing of your shot button by adjusting the hold and release time for the shot button. This is not rocket science or hard to 
understand, this works offline or online why? Because it only knows timing for that button and to run the time once you press the shot button. You simply got to a 
spot and set your timing for the shot so later in the same spot you just got to press the shot button. Once one sshot mod is mastered then you can venture to rec 
shot. Giving you 5 shots you can use on the court, 4 shots that was recorded will be used once user holds the LB/L1 (AKA Left Bumper) and then presses a face button 
such as a B/Circle for example. Do note the spots for each recorded shot and for the shot mod you chosen. Do note each team player has a set hold and release time
that can be adjusted or just select No Selection. Custom builds i would also suggest using No Selection. Do NOT turn on multiple shot mods at once!!! That would cause
issues with mods working against each other, Only expert can use multiple by using speed toggle and profiles. DO NOTE THAT SOMEONE ELSES TIMING MAY NOT WORK FOR YOU.


 E N D   O F   T H E   I N S T R U C T I O N S 

File: GoatMode sk25.gpc
Size: 113.33 KiB

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