[PREMIUM] - Cobra V3 (Call of Duty)

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[PREMIUM] - Cobra V3 (Call of Duty)

Post by RobinHood »

Name: [PREMIUM] - Cobra V3
Category: Call of Duty
Author: RobinHood
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  Instructions - Please Read                                                                                            

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║ 🐍 CobraVision v3 By Notorious 🎮                                ║
║ Special Feature:                                                 ║
║ - 💻 Computer Vision Mode - Exclusive to our CobraVision app.    ║
║ Instructions:                                                    ║
║ 🔓 Enter Mod Menu                  = Hold ADS & Press PS4_OPTIONS║
║ 🔼 Scroll MODs Back               = Press PS4_UP                 ║
║ 🔽 Scroll MODs Forward             = Press PS4_DOWN              ║
║ ➡️ Option Scroll Back              = Press PS4_RIGHT             ║
║ ⬅️ Option Scroll Forward           = Press PS4_LEFT               
║ 🚫 Exit Menu                       = Press PS4_CIRCLE            ║
║ ✅ Enter Edit Menu                = Press PS4_CROSS              ║
║ ◀️ Exit Edit to Mod Menu          = Press PS4_CIRCLE              ║
║ 💢 Edit - Change by 1             = Hold ADS & Press LEFT/RIGHT  ║
║ 💥 Edit - Change by 10            = Hold ADS & Press DOWN/UP     ║


**Important Information:** Cobra Vision Application Requirement
Exclusive Compatibility: Please be aware that this cheat is designed to function exclusively with our proprietary Cobra Vision application.
The integration of advanced features within the script relies heavily on the application's unique capabilities.
Python Code Dependency: Embedded Python code is a critical component of this script, and Cobra Vision is the only application capable of interpreting and executing this code correctly.
Without it, the script cannot access the computer vision algorithms and other sophisticated mechanisms necessary for its operation.
Mandatory Usage: Failure to use the Cobra Vision application will result in the script not functioning as intended. 
It is essential to ensure that the application is installed and running correctly before attempting to utilize the script within Fortnite.
Optimal Performance: For the best experience and to take full advantage of the cheat's features, please adhere strictly to using the Cobra Vision application.
This ensures that all mods, including "No Recoil," "Aim Magnet," "Cobra Precision," and others, perform optimally and as designed.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy an enhanced gaming experience with the full support of the Cobra Vision suite.


🎯 "No Recoil": Imagine your weapon as an extension of your will, with each shot fired sailing through the air as straight as an arrow shot by a master archer. "No Recoil" ensures that the kickback from your weapons is a thing of the past, allowing for pristine accuracy and control that feels almost supernatural.

🧲 "Aim Magnet": Picture your crosshairs as endowed with a magnetic pull, irresistibly drawn to your opponents. This mod fine-tunes your aim to snap to targets with an uncanny attraction, making every bullet count with ruthless efficiency.

🐍 "Cobra Precision": Envision your aiming response as swift and deadly as a cobra's strike. This mod heightens your stick sensitivity, granting you the agility to make micro-adjustments for those critical shots that require surgical precision.

👁️‍🗨️ "PY Computer Vision": Harness the power of advanced algorithms that scan the digital battlefield, identifying enemies with an eagle-eyed focus. This tracker is like having a high-tech scout constantly revealing the positions of your foes.

⏱️ "Fate Counter": With this feature, you're not just reacting; you're predicting. It's like playing chess with a time machine, anticipating your enemy's next move and adjusting your aim in real-time to keep them firmly in your sights.

🔮 "Notorious Polar": This mod offers a dynamic aiming experience that adapts fluidly across different combat scenarios. Whether engaging in close-quarters combat or picking off distant targets, your aim remains unerringly consistent.

🔇 "Quiet Seeker": Move unseen and unheard with a tracker that enhances your aim without any obvious signs, keeping your presence a secret. It's like being a ghost on the battlefield, striking without warning.

💀 "Auto Headshot": Channel the precision of a seasoned sniper. This mod tweaks your aim upwards, increasing the likelihood of scoring headshots. Each pull of the trigger becomes a potential instant elimination.

🚫 "DeadZone": Calibrate your controller to respond to the slightest touch. This mod eliminates dead zones, ensuring that your in-game movements are as responsive and accurate as your own reflexes.

🌬️ "Steady Inhale": Emulate the focused calm of a sniper holding their breath before taking a shot. This mod stabilizes your aim for those moments when accuracy is paramount, and the margin for error is zero.

🔫 "Trigger Bot": Unleash a hailstorm of bullets with a mod that detects when your crosshair aligns with an enemy and automatically fires. It's like having the fastest draw in the West—every time.

🎖️ "Precision Assist": Enhance your natural skills with a mod that subtly corrects your aim, providing a helping hand that feels intuitive and empowering, rather than invasive.

🛡️ "Cobra MOD": Stay under the radar with a feature designed to mimic human input patterns, reducing the risk of detection by anti-cheat systems. It's like having an invisibility cloak against watchful eyes.

🏗️ "Build Cheat": Transform the way you build with a mod that accelerates your construction abilities. Erect forts, walls, and ramps with the speed and precision of a master architect at the push of a button.

🔄 "Snap Rebuild": React to structural damage instantly with a mod that allows you to reset and rebuild your defenses in the blink of an eye. It's like having a construction crew at your fingertips, ready to repair and reinforce at a moment's notice.

🪂 "DropShot": Dive into combat with a tactical advantage by automatically dropping to the ground when firing. This mod makes you a smaller target, increasing your survivability during intense firefights.

File: CobraV3.gpc
Size: 139.96 KiB

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