[PREMIUM] - Highwater V5.0

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					█▀█ █▀▀ ██▄ █░█   ▄█ █▄▄ █▀▄ █ █▀▀ ░█░																																*/

const string VERSION =				" v5.0"                                         ;
const string MADE_BY =            "highwater"                                       ;/*

							discord: highwater#0121

							Tip me if you use this
					BTC: 1ATQeYNtKrKGDoxQ5PbLETTgtJS2PZjt9r
							 paypal: @highwaterr

SPECIAL THANKS to SS_Nikolai, ANDRY 85, TaylorDrift21, Crescens, AnusPower, Batts, Avilio, LegitCloudzzz
(and others) for their scripts, inspiration and help, there are a lot of elements that i used in this script. 

Legend mods done by Avilio

This script will be more helpful if you have mappable back buttons/paddles on your controller
https://www.extremerate.com/  has a few DIY kits that are cheap and easy to install

Feel free to give me suggestions, or anything youve found that gets the most out of this script,
If youre reading this planning on selling this as your own, youre admiting that you like little boys.


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	OLED screen indications:
	Default									weapons selected 
              ———————————————————————————				———————————————————————————
		      |  <     	 >	 high       |				|  < primary/secondary >  | 
		      | <  image  >	 water.     |   			| < barrel >    < sight > |
		      |  <       >   v5.x       |				| < Current Weapon Name > |
              ———————————————————————————				———————————————————————————

    Mod Menu 								Killswitch 
              ———————————————————————————				———————————————————————————
		      |      < Category >       |				|  			OFF    		  | 
			  |< name >          < val >| 				|						  |
			  |< name >          < val >|               |		         		  |
		      |< name >          < val >|				|						  |
              ———————————————————————————				———————————————————————————

Open the MOD MENU by PRESSING ADS + PRESSING OPTIONS. Scroll through mod menu with dpad. the white highlight is the mod youre currently on.
To edit the mod highlighted you need to hold ADS and press DPAD (LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN). Close the MOD MENU with ADS + OPTIONS again, when exiting it will save settings.

				  	options				description
title page 		-   legend	     		this is the legend selection, to be used with the legend mod. change to "No Legend" if you dont want legend mod on (read below what each legend mod does)
					preset              this is a list of presets for all settings, if you do not want to use one you can use "custom" and make your own.
											press PS BUTTON while on first mod menu page to populate all preset settings when not on custom

Aim Assist Prim -  aim assist options, there is plenty of info online for taylordrifts aim assist that can help you if you dont understand an option
						^^^^ option will use the values you set for the weapon its pointing to (primary/secondary)
						per gun will use the values set in the script for each guns aim assist (to edit you must edit the script 
						some tips though avoid running per gun with ^^^^, use per gun/per gun or ^^^^/^^^^, with per gun youll have to edit the script to change aim assist settings

Aim Assist Seco -  same as primary but for secondary weapon ^^ 

Headshot Assist -  toggle				turn headshot assist on or off
				   Strength				this pulls your aim up by strength
				   Hold Time			holds you aim up for miliseconds * 10

Steady Aim      -  toggle               turn steady aim on or off
				   ADS Resolution       for when ADS'd this makes it so your aim cannot move diagonally, instead it will step like a staircase, this number is the size of the stairs
				   Look Resolution      for when not ADS'd this makes it so your aim cannot move diagonally, instead it will step like a staircase, this number is the size of the stairs	        */
								define ACTIVATE   = PS4_SQUARE;																																		/*
	^^ This button will be used to activate the Shot mods when the setting calls for an activation button (a/____) ^^
Shot Mods		-  Aim Abuse			Spams ADS while firing	
					  time              sets the time interval for ADS Spam
				   strafe shot			Strafes left and right while firing
				   	  time              sets the time range for the random strafe patterns
				   crouch shot			Spams crouch while firing
				   	  time              sets the time between crouches
				   auto ping			Ping on fire.  a press will yellow ping. holding will enemy ping
Movement        -  Wall bounce			after sliding and jumping towars a wall, jumping off the wall, you can change direction to preform a wall bounce 
				   Super Jump			at a zipline PRESS JUMP + PING to preform a double jump in the air
				   Hyper Jump           at a zipline Press PING + RELOAD to preform a triple jump in the air
				   Super Glide			when climbing up a wall after jump, press PING at the peak of the climb to preform a super glide. 
				   							if you crouch and dont move youre to early, if you just regular jump youre to late.
				   Bunny Hop			while moving HOLD JUMP to preform a bunny hop
				   Slide Cancel			while moving forward press CROUCH and you will slide and stand back up before losing momentum
				   Jump Slide			while moving forward HOLD RELOAD and press JUMP. this is to be used off a ledge to give you the furthest possible jump
				   Heirloom Spin		while holstered and moving forward DOUBLE TAP SPRINT to heirloom spin. ( survival slot needs to be turned off in game for this to work )
				   								when toggled on you cna use RELOAD + MELEE to use your survival slot (do not move sticks for best chance of working)
Weapon Mods     -  swap					auto   keeps track of your weapons after setting them.  (ADS + SWAP to set primary/ADS + MELEE to set secondary is this desyncs)
										auto + keeps track of your weapons after setting them. will also fix them on firing if they are desynced. you can still sync manually like auto option
										manual will not switch weapons on zen unless you are holding ADS when SWAP is pressed.  will not allow you to resync manually like auto
				   holster				none will only holster manually
				   						S/A  will only holster while holding RELOAD and pressing SPRINT
				   						S/Fwd will holster if you are moving forward full speed and pressing sprint
				   						Hold  will holster if you hold SPRINT for .6 seconds
				   ADS unholster        When active you can use ADS or SWAP to pull weapon back out when holstered
				   Weapon Select		Old      this will use the old select system, read below to see the old method
				   						TwoTouch this will use the two touch select system, read below to see the two touch mapping
				   						NumPad   this will use a NumberPad on keyboard to select, read below to see the mapping
				   ar ads x			    allows you to universally change ads anti recoil x axis. this will effect both left and right. so it will tighten or increase the spread.
				   ar ads y             allows you to universally change ads anti recoil y axis. increase to pull down, decrease to pull up
				   ar hip x             allows you to universally change hipfire anti recoil x axis.
				   ar hip y				allows you to universally chaneg hipfire anti recoil y axis.
Quick Primary   -						this allows you to set favorites for your primary selection, to set these values in game:
											PING + 1 tap LEFT   for gun LEFT + attachments
											PING + 1 tap UP     for gun UP + attachments
											PING + 1 tap RIGHT  for gun RIGHT + attachments
											PING + 1 tap DOWN   for gun DOWN + attachments
Quick Secondary -						this allows you to set favorites for your secondary selection, to set these values in game:
											PING + 2 tap LEFT   for gun LEFT + attachments
											PING + 2 tap UP     for gun UP + attachments
											PING + 2 tap RIGHT  for gun RIGHT + attachments
											PING + 2 tap DOWN   for gun DOWN + attachments
Miscellaneous  -   armor swap			this works by walking up to a deathbox pressing RELOAD + SWAP and it will access the deathbox and pull the armor out.  adjust the time if its not getting armor
				   PANG!				this turns your PING button into a single fire fire button while ADS'd. used for long range and precision shots. works with automatic guns. 
				   							fyi this will not let you ping while ADS'd without a ping shot mod
				   Quick Swap			this switches your weapons faster than a normal switch. will crouch while switching weapons (use killswitch in menu to avoid issues when pressing SWAP)
				   Keep Firin'			this switches weapons after you fire a full clip and hold the FIRE button when 1st gun is empty
				   Easy Crouch			use this if you like to play toggle crouch. YOU MUST PLAY HOLD TO CROUCH IN GAME SETTINGS FOR THIS SCRIPT
				   Loot Spam            when enabled HOLD SPRINT to loot spam
Game Settings  -   Yaw					set this to your in game yaw sensitivity setting
				   Pitch				set this to your in game pitch sensitivity setting
				   ADS Yaw				set this to your in game ads yaw sensitivity setting
				   ADS Pitch			set this to your in game ads pitch sensitivity setting
				   Deadzone				set this to your in game deadzone setting
				   Response Curve		set this to your in game response curve setting
Controller     -   ADS+FIRE x			adjusts your stick's feel for your firing while ADS'd speed x axis. 100 is normal, < 100 reduces stick feel. > 100 increases stick feel.
				   ADS+FIRE y			adjusts your stick's feel for your firing while ADS'd speed y axis. 100 is normal, < 100 reduces stick feel. > 100 increases stick feel.
				   HIPFIRE  x			adjusts your stick's feel for your hipfiring speed x axis. 100 is normal, < 100 reduces stick feel. > 100 increases stick feel.
				   HIPFIRE  y			adjusts your stick's feel for your hipfiring speed y axis. 100 is normal, < 100 reduces stick feel. > 100 increases stick feel.
				   Layout				match to your ingame layout. if you use custom you need to edit the buttons below and select custom in this setting. 
				   							if you are changing them and switch to an option that changes ADS you need to then use that ADS to change agaain
                     //     change inverted to -1 if you play inverted
							define INVERTED				= 1;                define _GRENADE              = PS4_RIGHT;
							define _ADS                 = PS4_L1;			define _FIRE                 = PS4_R1;
							define _JUMP				= PS4_CROSS;		define _PING                 = PS4_R2;
							define _TACTICAL  			= PS4_L2;			define _SPRINT    			 = PS4_L3;
							define _MELEE     			= PS4_CIRCLE;		define _SWAP      			 = PS4_TRIANGLE;
							define _CROUCH     			= PS4_R3;			define _RELOAD    			 = PS4_SQUARE;
							define AIM_X	 			= PS4_RX;			define AIM_Y	 			 = PS4_RY;
							define MOVE_X 	 			= PS4_LX;			define MOVE_Y 	 			 = PS4_LY;																				/*

rapid melee		- ALWAYS ENABLED. just hold melee to continue meleeing.
Easy Heal		- ALWAYS ENABLED. while holding RELOAD press D-Pad    UP  for syringe
															  		RIGHT for battery
			  			  									   		LEFT  for medkit 
									   						   		DOWN  for shield cell						
									   						  	  HOLD UP for pheonix 
Hair Triggers   - ALWAYS ENABLED. makes your tigger buttons really responsive.
Selecting weapons and attachments:

		      |  < primary/secondary >  |		
		      | 						|   	
		      |      < selection >      |		

Old style weapon select

	Setting weapons
		Set  primary     weapon by    		HOLDING ADS + PRESSING UP or LEFT    UP     on dpad will cycle through assult rifles											
		Set secondary    weapon by    		HOLDING JUMP + PRESSING UP or LEFT   LEFT   on dpad will cycle through sub machine guns + everything else
		RESET all choices from primary by   HOLDING ADS + HOLDING LEFT    will reset all primary settings (gun/barrel/sight)
		RESET all choices from secondary by HOLDING JUMP + HOLDING LEFT    will reset all secondary settings (gun/barrel/sight)
		RESET BOTH primary and secondary by HOLDING ADS + PRESSING HEAVYLIGHT_SELECT   this setting enables the recoil smoothing can be used for all guns and attachemnts no need to select                                                                                 */																					  /*

	Setting attachments
		Set  primary   sight  by  HOLDING ADS + PRESSING DOWN   DOWN   on dpad will cycle through sights (none/1x, 2x, 3x)											
		Set  primary   barrel by  HOLDING ADS + PRESSING RIGHT  RIGHT  on dpad will cycle through barrels (none, white, blue, purple)
		Set secondary  sight  by  HOLDING JUMP + PRESSING DOWN   DOWN   on dpad will cycle through sights (none/1x, 2x, 3x)											
		Set secondary  barrel by  HOLDING JUMP + PRESSING RIGHT  RIGHT  on dpad will cycle through barrels (none, white, blue, purple)

Two Touch Select System

Edit the below buttons to be held for the two touch select system. these buttons will need to be held while you select to change the button groupings
					define OTHER_SELECT      = PS4_OPTIONS; // XB1_MENU;
					define ENERGY_SELECT     = PS4_SHARE; // XB1_VIEW;
		**Single button press for primary, Double button press for secondary**

	Setting weapons:
									button to hold							
			     button										  button			
		Flatline   L1											R1		R-301
		Spitfire   UP										 TRIANGLE   R99
		Hemlock   LEFT				 HEAVYLIGHT				  SQUARE    CAR SMG
		Rampage   RIGHT										  CIRCLE    Alternator
		Prowler   DOWN										  CROSS     RE-45
		Wingman    L3											R3      P2020
		Volt       L1										
		G7 Scout   UP									
		Sniper    LEFT				   OTHER				 
		Marksman  RIGHT										
		Shotgun   DOWN										
		NONE       L3										
																R1		Havoc
															 TRIANGLE   Devotion
									   ENERGY				  SQUARE    Havoc turbocharger
															  CIRCLE    L-Star
															  CROSS     Devotion turbocharger
																R3      Hemlock Rapid Fire

		RESET all choices from primary by   HOLDING ADS + 1 tap DOWN    will reset all primary settings (gun/barrel/sight)
		RESET all choices from secondary by HOLDING ADS + 2 tap DOWN    will reset all secondary settings (gun/barrel/sight)
		RESET BOTH primary and secondary by HOLDING ADS + PRESSING HEAVYLIGHT_SELECT   this setting enables the recoil smoothing can be used for all guns and attachemnts no need to select                                                                                  */																					  /*


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